Sunday, March 18, 2012

Expecting & Ecstatic!!

After 2 and a half years of courtship and 3 years of marriage, we finally decided for our bundle of joy! Believe me when I say that the longer we wait for the right time the more restless our relatives and friends become. Though I was blessed with the fact that I married very early but that didn't stop the innumerable queries and pressures from all sides of when we are stepping the line. But we took our time and let these queries not affect us at all. We needed to mentally, physically and monetarily prepare for a baby! When I say these words I mean exactly each and every bit of the sentence. People in our overpopulated country have a tendency to jump into parenthood even before they can really wish for it or care for it..just because their families wanted or society expected them...It shouldn't be the case at all or you will regret it later on and baby is a beautiful gift which cannot be regretted at any cost.

Anyways, to carry on with us..I waited long enough to be sure and then did a home pregnancy test which was positive..!! Yippeee!!! and to be doubly sure I did it again and thankfully it was positive again! (Sometimes your home pregnancy kits can be wrong and its no harm if you do the same test twice or thrice to be sure before a checkup with the doc)..My Mum passed away when I was in college and I didnt get much time to discuss pregnancy with her. & fortunately I am blessed with an ultra cool MIL who is my best friend and we discuss mostly everything. Naturally I told er and she informed the rest of the family. (I live in a large joint family of 6people, a long time maid who is part of family now and my sweetheart baby and golden retriever bitch "Zoya") Everyone was super happy. After the initial celebrations and hugs and joys , my two MILs(my MIL and my hubby's paternal Aunt: Kaki) decided and fixed for an appointment with Doctor. The doctor advised me to wear loose garments and not to ride in auto-rickshaws(the bumpy rides can harm your baby dangerously as till first trimester your amniotic fluid isn't quite developed and it actually acts as shock absorbent and protector for your baby)...I lapped up the attention suddenly thrived upon me and also listened well to the advice MILs and the doc gave me:

*No tight clothings
*No bumpy rides, especially auto-rickshaws and buses
*No stress and tensions
*Drink 8 glasses of water daily
*Take small walks after meals
*No to papayas, pineapples
*No to gym, sauna and steam
*No to exertion
*No to picking up very heavy stuff or heavy stuff if exhausted
*No to alcohol or passive smoking
*Restriction to caffeine products or fizzy drinks
*Restriction to heels

This was mostly what I followed till my first appointment which was mostly a counselling session about what should be done and what not and thus added on my list certain more stuff:

*No getting up from the lying or sitting positions with jerk
*Always turn to your side while trying to get up from a lying position
*Drink a litre of milk everyday
*Take the prescribed medicines of Folic acid and vitamins regularly
*No Hot shakes around stomach
*No lying on your stomach
*No sexual intercourse till doctors advice

She also advised me for routine pregnancy blood tests and my first ultrasound to see everything is fine or not. I was super excited and yes I diligently followed each and every precaution and direction advised to me. Though being a logical and inquisitive type I went ahead and researched why should I follow these. And I found out the reasons of most of them which I would share in elaborate way.

Rest we are super happy for such an amazing luck and wish come true in our life. And we are looking forward to many such joys of the journey in the following 9 months..

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